For many financial institutions, the deposit and lending processes are based on “the way we have always done it” and are not taking advantage of the existing technology you already have in place. We can review your current processes and make recommendations on how to become more efficient and cut costs.


frederick martin advisors

our approach

Our specialists in lending or deposit operations have the experience to bring proven ideas to your financial institution by streamlining your processes. Before we make recommendations on process redesign, we first gain a solid understanding of your culture and the market you serve. It is necessary for us to fully understand your financial institution’s business strategy, use of existing technology and the skill sets of your staff. Once we are well versed on your “current state” and understand your vision of the “future state”, we will develop recommendations that address your specific requirements.

The revised process will likely not require a change in technology but if it does, we can assist in developing the requirements and recommend vendors that will best address your needs. We can guide you through the selection process and help negotiate a contract that has favorable service level agreements at a competitive price.

We differentiate ourselves from our competition by staying on-site to work with your staff on implementing the recommendations that you elect to move forward with. It’s typical that our customers implement over 90% of the recommendations and more than pay for the consulting fees within the first year.

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